2010 Fall Technology Fair

Post date: May 27, 2015 6:35:21 PM

Fall Back into Technology Saturday, October 16, 2010

GCCUE would like to recognize the following affiliate members for their presentations:

Rich Bateman, CVUSD - Educator Productivity Using Google Products

Kristen Kreutner, CVUSD - Moodle Online Classroom

Tamira Kreider, MUSD - Promethean Interactive Whiteboard Training

Many thanks to our amazing sponsors and vendors!

2010 Attendee Feedback

Visiting the Exhibit Hall Parks Online Resources for Teachers & Students (PORTS) Educator Productivity Using Google Products session

Visiting Exhibit Hall
Educator Productivity Using Google Products session

Jim Klein, Keynote Speaker Promethean Interactive Whiteboard session Viewing a demo in the Exhibit Hall

Jim Klein, Keynote Speaker
Promethean Interactive Whiteboard session
Viewing a demo in the Exhibit Hall